No Destruction, No Gentrification: In Search of an Alternative Urban Future
This spring, the new book ‘Beyond Seunsangga- 16 ideas to go beyond big plans’ was released at HNI in Rotterdam, following the Beyond Big Plans conference in Seoul (SK), during which OMNIBUS exhibited the installation ‘Erasing Singapore: The destruction of space and memory‘ in the Seoul City Hall Gallery.
The publication is looking into alternatives to large-scale urban redevelopment, and provides insight into diverse paths faced by advanced Asian cities in the post fast-growth era, especially with the case of Seunsangga area in the midst of Seoul. Edited by Vitnarae Kang and Hyeri Park, the book is comprised of sixteen articles that relate to the planning issues of the Seunsangga area in Seoul, one of them by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (OMNIBUS/ ETHZ): “No Destruction, No Gentrification: In Search of an Alternative Urban Future.”
The modernist icon of Seunsangga and its area “embodies the complexities and challenges of inner city regeneration that advanced Asian cities are facing today. Contributing to a more in-depth public debate on an engaging future of the Seunsangga area, the book addresses more fundamental questions and answers that are relevant to other large-scale urban developments. The book also highlights a number of conditions that make ‘Beyond Big Plans’ possible, offering both better understanding of and concrete approaches to immense planning challenges.”
The book is available online at SPACE Publishers.